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Term Explanation
Route A public transport service shown to customers under a single name, usually from point A to B and back. For example: trams 1 and 1A, buses 18 and 102T, or train A.
Commonly used synonym: line
Pattern A sequence of stops as used by a specific direction (i.e. inbound or outbound journey) and variant of a route.
For example, a variant of a route could be a tram entering service from the depot and joining at the middle of the route or a route might have a short term diversion without changing the route name (longer diversions are usually marked as different routes).
Trip A specific occurance of a pattern, usually identified by the route and exact departure time from the first stop.
For example: bus 102 leaving from Otaniemi on 2017-11-21 at 10:00, or more generally leaving from Otaniemi at 10:00 on specified days.

Query examples

Note: For more details about the query types routes and pattern and their parameters you can use the Documentation Explorer provided in GraphiQL.

Note: If the examples provided with an id or other parameter do not return what is expected then the value in question may not be in use any more and you should try again with an existing value.

Query all routes where name starts with "10"

  1. Click this link to run the query below in GraphiQL.
  routes(name: "10") {
  1. Press play in GraphiQL to execute the query.

Query all bus routes where name starts with "58"

  1. Click this link to run the query below in GraphiQL.
  routes(name: "58", transportModes: BUS) {
  1. Press play in GraphiQL to execute the query.

Query all tram routes where name starts with "1"

  1. Click this link to run the query below in GraphiQL.
  routes(name: "1", transportModes: TRAM) {
  1. Press play in GraphiQL to execute the query.

Query patterns of a route

  1. Click this link to run the query below in GraphiQL.
  routes(name: "59", transportModes: BUS) {
    patterns {
  1. Press play in GraphiQL to execute the query.

Example response:

  "data": {
    "routes": [
        "shortName": "59",
        "longName": "Sompasaari-Kalasatama(M)-Pasila-Pajamäki",
        "patterns": [
            "code": "HSL:1059:0:01",
            "directionId": 0,
            "name": "59 to Pajamäki (HSL:1461110)",
            "headsign": "Pajamäki"
            "code": "HSL:1059:1:01",
            "directionId": 1,
            "name": "59 to Polariksenkatu (HSL:1100128)",
            "headsign": "Sompasaari"

Query stop names by pattern ID

  • See previous example on how to find pattern IDs for a route

    • Pattern ID is value of code in a pattern object
  • Click this link to run the query below in GraphiQL.
  pattern(id: "HSL:1059:0:01") {
    stops {
  1. Press play in GraphiQL to execute the query.

Query trips of a specific pattern

  1. Click this link to run the query below in GraphiQL.
  pattern(id: "HSL:1059:0:01") {
    trips {
  1. Press play in GraphiQL to execute the query.

Query a trip without its id

  • Query type fuzzyTrip can be used to query a trip without its id, if other details uniquely identifying the trip are available

    • This query is mostly useful for getting additional details for vehicle positions received from the vehicle position API

For example, from the following vehicle position message

  "VP": {

it is possible to parse:

  • Route id from the message: 2550
  • Direction id from the topic: 1
  • Departure time from the message: 11:57
  • Departure date from the message: 2019-06-28


  1. Vehicle position messages use different direction id than the Routing API

    • Direction id 1 in a vehicle position is same as direction id 0 in the Routing API
    • Direction id 2 in a vehicle position is same as direction id 1 in the Routing API
  2. Departure time must be in seconds

    • e.g. 11:57 = 11 * 60 * 60 + 57 * 60 = 43020
    • If the date in fields oday and tst is not the same and the departure time (start) is earlier than the time in tst, add 86400 seconds to departure time

      • This is due to differences in time formats, when vehicles which have departed after midnight have the previous date as operating day
      • e.g.

        • tst = 2018-08-16T00:15:00.836Z (note that this is in UTC time)
        • oday = 2018-08-15
        • start = 03:10
        • 03:10 = 3 * 60 * 60 + 10 * 60 + 86400 = 97800
  3. Due to a bug in the vehicle position API, some route ids don't match the route id in the routing API

    • In this case, fuzzyTrip query returns null

For example, the following query checks if the vehicle, which sent the vehicle position message above, is wheelchair accessible:

  fuzzyTrip(route: "HSL:2550", direction: 0, date: "2019-06-28", time: 43020) {
    route {
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